搜索 时尚

  • 本片以大龄单身剩女为切入点,讲述了三个完全不同类型的同居密友苏幽幽、丘融融和文雅书在寻找爱情的道路上发生的种种故事……
  • After being photographed by chance on the way to work one day, Suzie becomes the cover model of Sibylle, a renowned fashion magazine, often referred to as the “Vogue of the East”. As she delves into the underground scene of East Berlin, she falls in love with Coyote, a photographer who urges her to flee with him to the West. Yet the decision turns out to be a tough one for Suzi...
  • 八卦杂志《雄辩》因爆猛料被停刊,为摆脱困境,主编李嘉吾(方中信)决定转做潮流杂志《时尚先生》。为了提高新杂志的知名度和影响力,他以《时尚先生》的名义和电视媒体合作操办了“时尚先生新秀大赛”。由于做《雄辩》时在娱乐、时尚圈树敌无数,李嘉吾难找可以博观众眼球的名人做毒辣评委。  穷途末路之时,他昔日的恋人、当红影星叶菁(孔维)出现,她答应出任此次大赛的总评委。然而,她却是为报复李当年对她的伤害而来:参赛选手中,有她找来并精心包装的假小子廖宇(付静),也对李仇视的电脑高手符迦宁(吕玉来)亦被她找来做李的助手。 
  • 时尚之王赛场上高骏和杨迪狭路相逢,但比赛中暗藏危机,饮恨之后的高骏面临女友分手,公司员工离职,公司资金链断裂等问题一筹莫展,这时候聂思雨因为对高骏的崇拜而入职品立。通过校园招聘解决了人手问题,通过星慕的注资解决财务问题,在聂思雨的帮助下,品立开始一步步重归正轨。品立更紧锣密鼓备战新品发布,聂思雨和高骏的感情也渐渐升温,但也导致了昔日合作人韦义的不满,为品立埋下了不安的种子。而此时高骏前女友归国,又引起了高骏与聂思雨的矛盾,最终两人冰释误会成为恋人。
  •   The life and career of the three sisters inimitable Fontana. Micol is only a seamstress Emilia with 500 pounds in his pocket when he arrives in Rome with John and Zoe. The effort is matched by the beginning of a passion for fashion, until the day when the world sees them. The event is the marriage of Tyrone Power and the wedding dress is packed by Atelier Fontana. In the 50 set...