搜索 休·杰克曼

  •   巴兹·鲁赫曼重新剪辑2008年的电影《澳洲乱世情》,11月26日一连六集为你呈献史诗式爱情历险故事。剧集内容由原作影片拍摄素材组成,将呈现全新的结局以及现代化配乐。
  • 巴兹·鲁赫曼重新剪辑2008年的电影《澳洲乱世情》,11月26日一连六集为你呈献史诗式爱情历险故事。剧集内容由原作影片拍摄素材组成,将呈现全新的结局以及现代化配乐。
  •   Jack Willis is a handsome roadtrain driver with a secret - he has just become a top-selling romance novelist. However, being a 'man's man' in the Australian outlook, to avoid embarrassment, he needs a name, a woman's name - and he chooses that of his best friend, Ruby Vale. He must do some fancy footwork to continue the charade when the glamorous city publisher, Ziggy, arrives in dusty outback Lucktown to sign 'Ruby Vale' to a major book deal. Ruby agrees to help Jack though it's for her own gain as well - the publisher will pay for her coming wedding (with Hamish, Jack's buddy). Accompanied by Jack, Ruby goes to Sydney to meet the media, appear on TV and cocktail parties, etc. Gradually, Jack realizes that he has fallen in love with Ruby, while Ruby is also touched by Jack's novel. However, Hamish arrives in Sydney a few days later and asks both of them to stop all these foolish things...
  •   墨守成规的会计师乔纳森(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)意外结识风度翩翩的律师怀亚特(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰),怀亚特的热情与幽默让这位极度压抑自我的会计师看到了这个世界金融中心繁华背后的奢靡。怀亚特与乔纳森无所不谈,他告之乔纳森存在一个神秘的性爱俱乐部,那里有无数希望和男人发生一夜情的美女,乔纳森对此表现出憧憬。怀亚特出差前与乔纳森拿错电话,乔纳森意外接到来自性爱俱乐部的电话邀请,考虑再三之后乔纳森最终走入了那片欲望之地,并且在一次约会中偶遇自己在地铁中曾经遭遇的心仪女子“S”。正当乔纳森完全沉浸在幸福之时,意外发生了。自己在旅馆房间被打晕,“S”遭遇绑架,怀亚特神秘失踪,一下子仿佛他这段曾经的经历只发生在自己的妄想之中……